Our name reveals a great deal of who we are. A synonym of "Ardent" is passionate or fervent. We are a team of people who are compassionate about caring for the needs of others, especially seniors. We are a Christian-owned company dedicated to honor those we serve. Serving the elderly and their families for us is not just a job it is a calling.
Our family-owned agency takes a "hands-on" approach. It is our practice to send a Case Manager with our Caregivers during the first part of the first day of care for a new client. This ensures a smooth transition for the care of our clients. We are frequently in touch with our caregivers to make sure everything is going well with the care. We also stay in contact with our clients and their families to make sure they are satisfied with our services.
We are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. If we do not answer the phone immediately, we will call you back within an hour.
Caring for the elderly is no simple task. It takes expertise, patience, and a serving heart to effectively provide care to seniors. Our caregivers have two years of experience or more. Most of them are CNAs (Certified Nursing Assistants). Caregivers are fully screened, insured, bonded, and must pass criminal background checks. We compensate our caregivers competitively because we believe "A happy caregiver results in a satisfied and happy client."
In addition to taking a "hands-on" approach and hiring excellent employees, Ardent Care is committed to providing exceptional continuum of care. We strive to keep the same caregiver for the duration of service. Clients that receive physical therapy from a Physical Therapist are normally given home exercises to perform. Our caregivers can encourage and guide the client in doing these. We go above and beyond to make your loved one's experience with Ardent Care a positive and memorable one.
Care for your loved one begins when you contact us either by phone or email. A Care Manager can be reached by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week at (630) 539 - 8339. If you leave a message, we will return your as soon as we can. You can also email us at [email protected] and you can expect a response in 1-2 business days.
Once you've spoken to our Care Manager, we visit your loved one's home or meet at the facility where your loved one is currently residing to conduct a FREE evaluation, as soon as you decide to meet us. It can be on the same day or whenever you are comfortable to meet. We, at Ardent Care, respect your decision and we are flexible in meeting our clients, even on weekends.
We begin by creating a Client Service Plan. We learn about your loved one's family history, social activities, preferred foods, routine schedule of the day, medication list, and medical history. We also perform a thorough fall-risk assessment. All this information helps us to begin our caregiver matching process, making sure your loved one's lifestyle is an excellent fit with our caregiver.
Once the care begins, we communicate with our caregivers, the client, and the client's family members regarding your loved one's development. We keep everyone in the loop.
Family communication can be one of the most important aspects of our role as a home care agency. Staying on top of changing schedules, running necessary errands, and inquiring about your loved one's general well-being are all important components of good communication with Ardent Care staff.
We will ask you from time to time for feedback regarding our caregiver's performance. This is how we can make certain we are continuing to deliver the quality we promise you.